October 09, 2011

DSLR Care - Digital Camera Image Sensor Cleaning Tips

If there's one thing everyone hates, it's dust. The smallest and the most irritating of all things on the planet, there ain't no stopping dust! No matter how many times you clean your laptop's screen in the day, no matter how many hours you spend cleaning around your house, there the damn thing goes to dirty everything up again.

In a situation like this, it isn't any big surprise that the sensor of your DSLR would end up with a bit of dust on it every few days. Especially if you're into changing a lot of lenses while shooting. So, what's the procedure for getting a clean sensor?

There are many ways

1. The Expensive Way

Go to an authorised dealer, tell them to clean your lens and give them a month's salary.

2. The Cheap Way

Do it yourself.

Sounds good, doesn't it? But there are a lot of things that could go wrong if you don't do it right. One of them including running the risk of damaging the outer plate accidentally and end up paying a price much higher than that required to get it cleaned by Nikon.

But, there is a very small chance of that happening as the plate is nothing but thick glass and it would take a thicker skull to damage it.

Some of the self-cleaning methods include using a cleaning fluid with a brush to wipe away the dust, the most popular being a $32 kit from Copper Hill Images. Other self-help gurus will advise you to use statically charged or cosmetic brushes for the same job.

Visible dust CCD cleaning kit are ideal, we have many options for leans cleaning kit. have a dehumidifier to store your camera when not in use. Other than this you will get camera skins to protect slr camera from many things. A good quality camera bag should be light weight with extra padding.

Though effective, using brushes won't really help in removing the icky glob that forms when the dust on your sensors combines with chamber lubricant from parts of your camera.

Well, that should be enough to remove any fears you've had of touching your sensors, in fact you're not even touching your sensors. It's a glass plate above it that you're actually cleaning.

That's it then. Happy Cleaning!!

Note: If you're really freaked out about cleaning your sensors, try using cameras from Olympus. They'll last real long without you having to worry about sensor cleaning at all.

View the original article here

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